The school has ended ... thanks for coming!

Pre-registration and registration

Pre-register for the Summer School by sending an email to:

As a subject use 'Pre-registration for the NC-AFM School'. In the Email, supply the following details:

First name
Family name
Position (Bachelor|Master|PhD student, post-doc, senior researcher)

An email will be sent that gives instructions for the registration. On a registration webpage, the applicant has the possibility to upload her/his abstract and to download some information about the school (access of the site, hotels, etc.).

The registration of 50 € comprises the participation in all Summer School activities. The registration and payment deadline is  September 5th (2016).

The registration fees include:

Participation in all lectures, courses and events
Abstract book
Lunch and snacks

Note that the low registration fees are possible due to the generous support of the funding organization and sponsor.

Submission of abstracts

Master and PhD students are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster presentation to show their recent scientific results and participate in the competition for the 3 NC-AFM awards. The abstract should explicitly mention the motivation and the significance of the work and clearly describe results and conclusions. A maximum of one poster presentation per participant is allowed.

On the registration website (see pre-registration and registration above), the applicant has the possibility to upload her/his abstract  The abstract must be submitted before September 5th 2016 on the registration site.

Poster guidelines

The recommended and maximum size for a poster is A0 in portrait orientation (841 mm width × 1189 mm height). At least one of the authors has to be present at the poster during the session. Try to make your poster an outstanding one in content, presentation and style!

Registration  and payment deadline
5th, 2016

Student abstract deadline
5th, 2016