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Blender: installation, info and links 

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Blender can be installed under Linux, Windows or Mac. Python 3.x is needed, which is a powerful programming language and the programming interface in Blender. It is also used in the Atomic Blender addon. The Atomic Blender addon have been tested with Blender 2.8 under Linux, Mac and Windows.

Instructions for installing Blender can be found on the Blender homepage. You can download Blender from here:

Blender download
Python for Windows

It is highly advisable to work with the newest version of Blender: The best is to work with the latest builds, although they can be unstable. I personally never experienced problems. The latest builds can be obtained from here:

Blender (daily builds), all OS

For Linux Ubuntu systems, a very convenient way exists by using a PPA.

Before using Atomic Blender the user is advised to learn first the handling of Blender. This can be done by reading some manuals about Blender. The following sites contain some useful information:

Blender Tutorials

Furthermore, very good tutorials can also be found on www.youtube.com – they help indeed a lot (search for: Blender Tutorial). Note that a beginner needs about a week (1-2 hours a day) to understand the basic concepts of Blender.

Very important is the list of the shortcut keys, read here.

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